Speaking of accessories, I like this Louis Vuitton Sac Bosphore bag in design and size. I have mixed feelings about logo bags. Sometimes I like them and sometimes I get tired of seeing them. Interestingly enough while in Europe I saw very very few logo bags. More women are concerned about their outfit in design than a logo bag. Only in America and in Asia is it really popular. I'm not against logo bags, I like them as well, I do carry a Y-3 backpack. Furthermore, that's all we see as we turn the magazine pages is Louis Vuitton, Gucci or Prada ads. I just wish there were more to chose from, that's all.
I feel you I'm not a fan of logo bags, but this one is nice!
i agree with you! it's a mood thing for me when it comes to logos. but this bag is pretty nice.
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